Life Skills Lessons: Learn The Act of Giving

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Life Skills Lessons on Giving to Others

You will want to watch this wonderful video, on the act of giving. So ultimately, what does

giving to others

do for you? How do you grow? There is a whole list of things you will derive from giving to others, and one of the best (in my book) is how good you feel ! Yet also very important is that you can always LEARN things from others, when you are involved in their lives. Another great thing that giving to others produces is good health. According to a studyThe Act of Giving in 1999 of elderly volunteers, it was shown that older people who were active in 2 or more volunteer organizations were “44 percent less likely to die over a 5 year period” than were non-volunteers in the same age bracket. (This was even after accounting for a difference in exercise habits, general health, or negative habits such as smoking).

If you believe in “paying it forward” premise, you might realize that when you give your generosity is likely to be well rewarded by others in the future. So this is a side-benefit.

*Note: I’m providing you with a few extra resources on Giving to Others under the video.

One item worth reading is an article from the educational site,

  1. Greater Good – The Science of a Meaningful Life – by
  2. 7 Good Reasons to Give BACK4 Page article
  3. Living Generously – Reasons to Be Kind and Give to Others 😉
  4. The Journey of Generosity –
  5. 7 Practical Ways to Give to the Poor in Your Community

As far as the act of giving, it can help you to feel grateful, as well as making you happy – whether you are donating your time and expertise to the local church, or participate by handing over a few dollars at your local store at Christmastime. Sometimes you learn something, or hone one of your skills – for instance, by helping your local church set up a website for causes (non-profits) and donations, you may perform SEO and get better at it. And if you do a good job, you likely will have a reference you can use.


Post by Jan Ashby

Additional Reading: Enjoy Each Day as if It Were Your Last – A Book by Dr. Lee Lipsenthal – Turn quick, positive emotions into long-lasting positive experiences!

and Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom

