Blogging Tactics: How to Make Your Blog Shine

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Blogging Tactics – 10 Tips by Heidi Cohen

– By Jan Ashby

I will share six of the excellent tips Heidi came up with at her blog – if you want a peek at the rest, click the link at the end. I relate to number 2 – “Build a body of content related to your niche”, as it seems most essential. Equally significant, I feel, is to make a commitment. If you’re going to do a thing, do it right. So lay out a budget, and hire a virtual assistant or a content writer thru iWriter, Fiverr, or NeedanArticle.

You also need a calendar (online calendar or offline) to schedule topics and types of material you’ll publish and how often (slideshow, vlogging, content curation, blog post with lists & recommendations etc.). See my related post – Editorial Content Template .
Here are the first six of Heidi’s 20 blogging tactics Heidi Cohen

1. Make a commitment to blogging.

Translation: budget and headcount. Someone must be responsible for the creation, publication and distribution of your blog’s content.

2. Build a body of content focused on your niche.

You need at least fifty posts to start to reap search benefits according to Hubspot research. Develop a body of posts covering your brand or business’s top keywords or phrases. 😆 Focus on the words your prospects and customers use, because these may differ from those used within your organization.

3. Develop pillar content.

Determine what information your target market seeks. Among the top options are: Answer customer questions. This is easy to get from customer service and sales. Provide how-to’s. Share recipes and patterns that link to your products.

4. Publish consistently.

Post at least two to three times per week to get most of the benefit of posting multiple times a day per Hubspot research. Think like a publisher. Otherwise, you’ll continually find an excuse for not writing. Create an editorial calendar that helps to focus your content creation efforts.

5. Brand your blog.

Integrate your brand’s attributes into the various elements of your blog design.

6. Optimize your blog for search.

Focus each post on one keyword phrase. This list should be aligned with your search marketing. (Here are fifteen more blog related SEO tips.)
Make your blog as fast as possible. Think Top Gun.
Use a SEO plug-in.
Incorporate both internal and external links. Write guest blog posts to get INBOUND Links

Now, to read some more of her blogging tactics HEAD to her blog .

Next Up – One I truly liked …

3 Blogging Tactics to Grow Your Audience and Improve Your Connection

blog writing

Now I am providing you an excellent piece from Neil Patel. It has some really good advice, for new bloggers (WordPress beginners and others) : SEE the article

> When you link to authority blogs, it is a VALUABLE thing you do – a service to your reader. Yet you must do it properly — this is where Neil Patel shines : READ His

expertise :

11 Ways to Get Authority Links for Your New Blog

I spent a long while researching famous bloggers (authority figures) in my niche, before I began to blog. It is essential you do this, too. When you invest the time, others will know it. It’ll show in your work. Whew – enough advice already!

But seriously, people – I am trying to help you out here. 😎 If you can give examples in your blog posts, and reference authority blogs you’ll be on track. Charts used to illustrate your blog’s point are worthwhile too – as I did HERE <<=

That has proved to be one of my better posts (judging from social sharing, that is).

Anyway here is 3 Ordinary Blogging Tactics to Grow Your Audience” posting:


That’s because sometimes, traffic comes and goes, unless you make some hook to transform them into readers and subscribers. For instance, I received more than 1500 visitors for the article about 22 ways to make money online. However, after 2 days, my blog traffic’s back to normal. No conversion is made, no increasing in subscribers. You may argue that’s because SU is not a target source of traffic. Then, how’s about targeted traffic through Google? I agree it has a bit more quality, but again, if you don’t create some hook to transform that target into your audience, your blog is pretty doomed. 😕

Audience is different. They can be your RSS subscribers, or they can be someone who visits your blog often. They can even be newcomers who hear about your blog through viral effect. They’re a part of your blog. They tweet and comment on your posts. They spread your blog out. In the long-term, audience contributes greater value to your blog than traffic. <= Thus you want to GROW your audience!

People who can become your audience come from 3 different sources: 😆

  1. People who you networking to. They can be friends or people whom you talk to in an event or conference, who show great interest in your blog and may become your audience prospects.
  2. People who know you through viral effect. They are the people who hear about your blog through the core audience, so they decide to check your blog out to get more information.
  3. People who are from search engines. If you offer much value to them, they may become your audience prospect as well.Wordpress tips

And here are the 3 blogging tactics I often see A-list bloggers 😆 apply to grow their audience much more (bigger) …

You may see writing great posts as a top item in many lists, but to what extent a post can be seen as a great post and how could you write one?

The definition about a great post will vary from individual to individual – but according to lots of bloggers, a great post is a post that has 2 or more following characteristics:

  • From 2000 words and up. This is the first condition of a great post. It doesn’t mean short post is considered not a good post, but because a longer post tends to contain more in-depth information.
  • It’s deeply researched. You can tell which post is deeply researched before author write it from facts, figures and graphs given in the post. The well-researched post makes readers put more trust into the validity of the information.
  • Contains lots of examples. I really admire bloggers who write post that has a lot of examples. I don’t know where they take them from, but examples give much more clarity for the content as well as motivate readers. Examples from author’s experience is better because it somehow connects the author’s personal life with readers.

Here are 2 questions that you can always ask yourself to know whether you have written a great post or not

Will this post be helpful to my readers?
Will readers are willing to share it with other people?

If you can really answer these two questions after you write … READ MORE

References: NEIL PATEL Heidi Cohen Blog

My content curation post

